Sunday, November 28, 2010

Artist Statement

My big idea last year was change, which was the underlying theme in most of my works. My works, “Lucy's Perspective” and “The Winds of Change” explored the political aspect of change, while “Mimi's watch, “Self Portrait “ and “My Music” focused on personal change. “Lucy's Perspective” portrays how people’s lives change when war breaks out while “My Music” shows how my musical abilities have changed or evolved by learning new instruments. Next year I need to improve on making my works more related, because this year they all had very different subjects. The pieces, “Mimi's Watch” and my Self Portrait are related because they were both inspired by my grandmother; however, some of my works such as “Choir Shoes” and “Cupcakes with Cherries” do not send clear meanings to the viewer. I need to improve on making more global connections with my work to produce deeper art.
My artistic skill has improved immensely over the past year and a half. I have learned to focus in on detail, mix colors, and improve my efficiency. I could still improve if I used a wider range of colors to add form and depth to objects. I think I am good at working from still life's and photographs, but struggle when painting abstractly.
Jerry Uelsmann inspired me last semester because he gave me the idea to paint my first black and white painting titled “Choir Shoes”. Though I do not have much experience with photography, I took his style and applied it to my area of choice: painting. I love the elegance of black and white art and I also prefer working in a realist style. This year I may explore doing more black and white paintings. I would also like to continue with my topic of change next year because it is such an important part of life and can be integrated into many topics.

1 comment:

  1. Your theme of change is really interesting! An idea for some new subject matter could be the increasing role of technology in our lives, which I think is a global trend.
